May 17, 2014

I have never done a blog before.  This is my first ever blog.  

     Well, it has been two weeks since I shared my book, They Call Me Blessed! at the the Westerville Library Local Authors Festival.  That was most interesting.  My daughter and I arrived early to set up our book table and met a lady named Pat who was sitting in for her sister, Gail Dudley, with whom we were scheduled to share a table.  Pat, Carolyn and I became instant kindred spirits. You can see our pictures on my "What's New" page.  

     I made a talk and we sold some books, but the most enjoyable part was being among the authors themselves.  It was a very friendly group.  We gave each other our business cards, book marks and advice.  The advice was most helpful from those who had written more than one book on how they did their advertising.  Some of the books looked so interesting, I would have liked to take some of them home and had to remind myself  why I was there.       One gentleman was so in tune with my talk,  he offered me a book exchange.  I  agreed!  I now have his autograph and he has mine.  

    As stimulating as those hours from 10:00am to 1:30pm were, I was glad to get home.  We had planned to attend the 5:00pm  annual Charisma Center for the Arts program at our church, Christian Assembly.  I was making toasted cheese sandwiches.  We hoped to eat them and take a nap before leaving for the program.  Just as the sandwiches were supposed to be taken from the broiler, the doorbell rang.  Standing outside was a nephew and his wife whom I had not seen since about the 1980's.  They had driven four hours from Flint, Michigan to Westerville, Ohio, trying to get here in time to surprise me at the Book Signing. They were too late for that, so they came to the house.   What fun!  While I was greeting them, the cheese sandwiches burned.  My relatives took us out for lunch and we talked, and talked, and talked.  We went from the lunch to the program, taking them along.  It was an enjoyable, but very long day.  Larry and Virginia stayed overnight, went to church with us, and I took them out to lunch before they left for home.

      Since then, I have been preparing for two radio interviews.  One is with Lisa Stockdale on her Senior Agenda Program next Thursday, May 22, at 9:00am.  I will be taped and the program will be aired later -- 4:00pm, I think.  Before Lisa invited me, I had never heard of  I am learning so much!  In addition to that, I am going to be interviewed by  Heather Tapia on May 27.  Her program airs at 3:00 pm on and will be live.  Both of these offers originated from my participation in this year's International Women's Day event in Columbus, Ohio.  I won Silver in the Literature competition.

       I am also scheduled to sign autographs at the Parkinson's-benefit-via-senior-agenda which Lisa is sponsoring.  If you wish to know more about that, go to To me, the interesting thing about this is that my book has more than a few chapters  on how I was helped to be a caregiver.  I will be interested to hear how others were or are being assisted with this.

4- 17- 2014  -- O.K. I told you I have never had a blog before, right?  Well, it has taken me all of this time to get back to knowing how to add to this one.  The Parkinson's event was a triumph for Lisa.  About eleven authors were in a specially designated space with our wares and once again, it was a great time of moving product; but also sharing ideas.  It was there that I met Sandi Latimer and was invited to the book signing event at the Westland Area Library.  Last Saturday, my book, They Call Me Blessed! was one of those featured at the Westland Area Library Author's pavillion.

      Between those times, I had an unexpected house guest from Muskegon, Michigan.  My friend, Delores, just called me up on Saturday, June 21, and invited herself to my house for a three-day stay beginning on Monday (the day after tomorrow).  I was preparing to be away on vacation starting on June 30th and had no desire to entertain anyone before that.  I was flabbergasted but did not know how to tell her "NO!" because this was out of character for her and I wanted to know her reason for wanting to come.  Well, I guess we both needed a "time apart for prayer and worship" because that is what we did.  We shared and prayed for hours from the Word of God and invited Him to help us be all that we found ourselves called to be from His Word.  When she left, both Carolyn and I felt refreshed from this blessing God had bestowed upon us through this woman of God!

     July 29, 2014 -- Today, I had my third live radio interview.  The first time, I was so nervous that every time  Lisa Stockdale asked me a question, I went blank.  If Lisa had not been such a great interviewer, I would have probably fainted on the spot.  The next interview was with Heather Tapia.  She just let me talk.  If I had known, I would probably have come to her show with a written script. It was a learning exercise that taught me to come prepared for any eventuality.  

     Keith and Charlie, at KLFC in Branson, Mo, led me through my interview with such humor and expertise that, if I didn't know better, I might have mistaken myself for an expert.  It was an hour of laughter and joy in sharing. You will be able to hear the recording on the KLFC free App.  Hit the podcast button at the bottom and search for today's date, July 29, 2014.  Enjoy!

    August 4, 2014  Boy!  Am I excited.   One person contacted my daughter today, said they started my book on Kindle and could not put it down until they had finished it.  Another person said they planned to listen to the interview and pass it along.  My daughter has received many "likes" and Kudos on her Facebook page.  This is wonderful!  I hope you won't pass up the opportunity to tell me what you think.  I can hardly wait to hear from you.

    I am in the process of working on the prequel -- more in my head than on the page because what I have already requires a lot of editing and proofing.  

    August 15, 2014 -- Last night, I had company over to watch the movie, God Is Not Dead.  Have you seen it?  It was particularly exciting to me because my experiences certainly affirm that the title of the film is TRUE!