Well, here we go again.  Did you get the chance to listen to my story on the program UNSHACKLED?  If not, you can still hear both parts by going to the UNSHACKLED website.  Look for my name!  My daughter and I were stirred to tears all three (3) times  we listened to it.  But..... then it's our story.  We had calls from people we had not heard from in years.  Many who have read the book thought there should have been more added.  We had to explain that the drafters could not just keep it going for weeks.  Many who listened recalled certain memories that we had forgotten about and which were not mentioned even in the book.

It is our hope that God will use the program to call many people to Himself.  While it is about me, it is really how God is able to help those who are willing to trust Him to work everything out.  I hope it will cause some people to order the book.  That is where they will see how God took someone by the hand and led her to the outcome of her dream using His methods.  It's amazing what happens when you can learn to use His methods rather than your feelings or ideas or what others suggest.  

Ephesians has always been a book that has intrigued me.  Recently He had me memorize a scripture from Ephesians -- "God, the father of Jesus Christ our Lord has given me the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation and has enlightened my eyes that I might know the hope of the Glory of His inheritance in me and the exceeding greatness of His power that flows through me."  (Eph 1:17-19).  Meditate on that for a while and if it seems strange, ask the Lord how it  applies to you.  I was and am amazed at how it has helped me in these days of my wonderment.  And it reminded me that during the days I was actually living my book, They Call Me Blessed!, that God had taken me to Ephesians 2:10 in the Amplified Bible and told me who I was in Him.  Sometimes, as I look back, I know that I don't always remember that.  Yet, whenever I do, I am strangely helped in ways past finding out.  Look it up!  See how it speaks to you.

 Well, until the next time, Be wonderfully Blessed!
