I think it is time for me to update my readers on what is happening.  After my January Blog, I   spent a large amount of time doing income taxes beginning in February and barely making the April 15th date.  First, let me say a wonderful  thank you to Reverend Emory Reese. He read my blog  and graciously  asked me to allow him to present it at the Revival For Our Day Homecoming.  As I was unable to attend the Homecoming, he asked me to send him some of the books.  When they arrived, he told me he bought one and read it over a two-day period.  He said, "I am not a reader; but once i started, I could hardly put the book down."  He was talking about my first book, They Call Me Blessed!.  I prayed over the number of books i should send to him and he told me they sold out immediately and he could have sold more if he had them.  I had sent along some book marks with his order and he said many people took those.  

    One woman who bought the book  They Call Me Blessed! last year gave my daughter a report just last night.  She said  "When I get  in certain tight spots, I read your mom's book.  I just read certain sections where she had to 'hold on when things seemed hard to understand.'" Just think of that for awhile.  Isn't that a great testimony of how God can work in a person's life?  The only factor that lady sees in that story is how God can and will work if we will hold on to Him when we are in a hard place.  To write the book was worth it all just for that lady.  

     I am now working on my second book.  I do not have a title for it, yet,  because it is in the form of short stories -- some of which are actual events and some which border on fiction.  It is my desire to have this book published in time to give it to my family as Christmas gifts this year.

     Just last night, I was once again elected to be president of our condo association.  This is a surprise and a blessing!  I had only planned to be a member of the board.  I asked my Father in Heaven to make me a witness for Him in this position.  This will not consist of verbalizing as much as using the Fruits of the Spirit in my everyday life. 

    Carolyn and I will be vacationing in sections, at home, this year.  We have set some dates to just be home to enjoy each other and we are looking forward to that.  

     I know this seems to be a short update of what is happening in our lives, but there is much action going on between the times of writing, praying for and leading Prayer for the Nation (as well as personal prayer times) and keeping up with friends like you.  Until the next time, BE BLESSED!