On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, Inez was scheduled to have only a 1/2 hour telephone interview on KLFC Radio out of Branson, MO. Toward the end of the program, the hosts asked her to stay on the line until they could take their required station break. They then continued the live interview for an ADDITIONAL 1/2 hour. Paste this address into your browser, then click on the Good Morning Ozarks Podcast Button to listen to Inez's July 29th interviewfor yourself!

Going Through HARD times? This is for YOU.

On Thursday, May 22, 2014, Inez was interviewed by local radio personality, Lisa Stockdale, on Lisa's popular,on-line radio program: Senior Agenda: Slow Down, Listen and Learn.  Click on the link below and listen as Inez shares about how to make it through hard times.