My Doctor kept stressing that I am an 85 year old woman.  My body is not supposed to be the same now as it was more than a few years ago.  Looking at it from that vantage point, he is very happy with the way I am progressing.  PRAISE GOD!  IF THE DOCTOR CAN ACCEPT THAT, THEN I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH IT.  As I awakened this morning, I was praying about my blog and I opined, "What is wrong with having a healthy body at age 85?  Do you remember Caleb?  Joshua 14:6-15?  He went up against giants and prevailed.   I claim each day that I am blessed (fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it an take dominion over it). Genesis 1:28.  I declare that as I obey the Lord, I am wise with His wisdom.  I have (at present) continual supernatural debt cancellation and I don't owe anyone anything except to love them.  I am very pleased with my doctor.  My daughter and I wish that some of the people we have seen go to be with the Lord this past year  had been our doctor's patient, they might still be alive.  I see him again in about a month.  Oh, by the way, the recent testing (the same as the OLD testing) does not show any cancer cells.

God's Word has given me (created me as His workmanship, through Jesus, to live)120 years if Jesus tarries.  See Genesis 6:3.  I don't believe I shall  be as agile at 85 as I was at 20, 40, or 75, but I don't see why I can't be well throughout the years God has ordained for me.  I believe all people over 75 years of age should meditate on that thought.  So, I say, "Body, you line up with God's Word! Be strong and of a good courage."

APRIL 30, 2017 -- MAY 6, 2017 and MAY 7-2017 -- MAY 13, 2017, UNSHACKLED RADIO VERSION OF THEY CALL ME BLESSED!

My book, They Call Me Blessed! has been dramatized as a radio program and will be released on the above dates in two parts.  The dates are listed above.  Please contact your local radio station (s) to determine the exact day and time they air the newest released program. 


"It has been such an honor for us to work with both your mother and you on the documentation of your story. I know that the Lord will use it in a special way to draw many to faith in Christ and for others to have a deeper commitment to His ownership of them.  The ministry of UNSHACKLED! is reaching into countless homes and hearts where Christ is not known.  Let us join in prayer that your story will be used of the Lord to speak to many in need of Christ as their Savior. 


When I do the ending script procedure I often feel sad as a story is produced and we go on to the next one because of how close I get to work with story subjects; yet I am always grateful to walk thru life for a brief moment with them and those who help. It has been a great joy for me to work on your mother's story with you and I hope and pray God uses it greatly for those who need to hear about forgiveness and reconciliation. The cast and the crew were greatly impacted throughout production recognizing the greatness of God as He changes our hearts.


Not long ago, I did a radio interview that had been planned for earlier in the year.  I am continually amazed at what it takes to get ready for an interview of any kind.  Now,   I am working on both Carolyn's and my Income Tax.  I am still the President of our Condominium Association and I am trying to get in time for both writing another book and physical exercising.  If the Lord brings me to your mind, please Pray for me (as the Lord leads you) as I endeavor to keep to this schedule. 

Many Blessings!